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Child Protection Week

Wednesday, 05/09/2018 Posted by: Marketing

The week of 3-7 September is Child Protection Week. During this week, we want to make all students and parents aware of methods they can use to …

World Cup Showjumping Win

Friday, 31/08/2018 Posted by: Marketing

From 2-5 August, Jasmine Jensen, Year 8, competed in Showjumping at the Gatton World Cup at the Gatton Showgrounds. Over four days of competition, Jasmine competed against …

Dancing Role at Disneyland

Thursday, 30/08/2018 Posted by: Marketing

Renee Savrda, Year 10, auditioned for a dancing role in Disneyland Paris on 21 July. She was competing for a spot with over 400 other girls, and …

2018 Junior Speech Competition

Wednesday, 29/08/2018 Posted by: Marketing

The finals of our annual Primary Speech Competition were held on Thursday, August 9 in the PA Centre. Students from Years 2-6, teachers and family members of those presenting, …

Northpine Helps Farmers

Tuesday, 28/08/2018 Posted by: Marketing

On Friday 17 August, the whole school participated in “Farmer Friday”. Students and staff dressed as farmers and brought donations for “A fiver for a Farmer”, which …

STORM Co 2018

Wednesday, 22/08/2018 Posted by: Marketing

Why would you…? Why would you want to…? Why would you want to … help? Why would you want to take a whole week of holidays to …