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QCS Practice Test #1

Tuesday, 26/03/2019 Posted by: Marketing

New Aquarium in Science Lab

Monday, 25/03/2019 Posted by: Marketing

Mr Sandro Bastos, Science Teacher in the High School, has established an aquarium in Room 27. He said, “I like the idea of having a nice aquarium …

Stormforce – Operation Freddo

Wednesday, 20/03/2019 Posted by: Marketing

Stormforce, our Primary Service Program, has started again for 2019 with students participating in ‘Operation Freddo’ last week. This service challenge was introduced by our Primary Student …

Harmony Day – Mufti Day

Wednesday, 13/03/2019 Posted by: Marketing

Harmony Day is a day to celebrate Australian multiculturalism, based on the successful integration of migrants into our community.  Australia is the most successful multicultural country on …

Living Better – Where Are Highlights

Tuesday, 12/03/2019 Posted by: Marketing

A Wellbeing and Resilience Values Program initiative for Prep to Year 6 Students in 2019 Focus for Week 7: Where Are Highlights? Highlights are happy, positive experiences …

Bullying Free Day at NCC

Monday, 11/03/2019 Posted by: Marketing

In 2018, Northpine Christian College participated in the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. This year the school will again participate in this National Day. …