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Yr 10 and 12 Careers Expo

Thursday, 23/05/2019 Posted by: Marketing

ASSA Netball/Volleyball Competition

Thursday, 23/05/2019 Posted by: Marketing

Living Better — Focus for Week 4: Kindness

Thursday, 16/05/2019 Posted by: Marketing

A Wellbeing and Resilience Values Program initiative for Prep to Year 6 Students in 2019 In our lives, all of us experience a wide variety of emotions, …

Music Department Update

Wednesday, 15/05/2019 Posted by: Marketing

There has been a lot happening in the Music Department! Simply Strings Last term we held a strings concert to a packed out audience! Not only were …

NAPLAN Testing

Monday, 13/05/2019 Posted by: Marketing

The Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 NAPLAN testing for 2019 will happen on 14, 15 and 16 May. It is important that students are available for …

Mrs Sykes Earns Master’s Degree

Friday, 03/05/2019 Posted by: Marketing

Our drama teacher, Mrs Cindy Sykes, recently completed her Master’s of Applied Theatre Studies degree from the University of New England. She was also honoured to receive …