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Our Philosophy
Northpine Christian College’s philosophy focuses on a strong Christian ethos and a fundamental belief in the value of each individual.

At Northpine our priority is to nurture and develop the emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing of every student of the College. We strive to create a positive relationship throughout the College community and by creating a friendly, supportive and safe environment, every child has the potential to achieve his/her best.

What We Stand For

Vision Statement

Centred in Christ. Dynamic in Direction. Strong in Service.

Mission Statement

“To provide a God-centred, supportive educational environment in which students can reach their full potential and find value in a life of service to God and the community.”

Values Statement

At Northpine Christian College we value:

‘Whatever is true
Whatever is noble
Whatever is right
Whatever is pure
Whatever is lovely
Whatever is admirable
Whatever is excellent
Whatever is praiseworthy’

Philippians 4:8

Philosophy Statement

Northpine Christian College is committed to making each student’s journey, a journey to excellence.  In doing so the college affirms that all true education and development find their source in a knowledge of the Biblical Creator God—a God who loves and cares so much He laid down His life so we could find a free and more complete existence. The Bible reveals that this God is the source of all life, truth, beauty and worthwhile values.  Since all truth is God’s truth, all avenues to understanding—including observation and reason—reach their pinnacle when studied with faith and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Rather than seeing the natural universe as the result of chance, Northpine asserts that our planet is God-created.  God through Christ has unstoppable plans to restore this world to its original perfection. In all areas of life and every activity, true education leads to ever-increasing cooperation with God’s restoration process.

Based on the teachings of Jesus, Northpine encourages all students to achieve their personal best.  Each individual’s gifts need to be nurtured and developed through opportunities for improvement that contribute to their own life and the lives of others around them.

Statement of Beliefs